• Zubrovka - is a Russian vodka flavored with a blade of buffalo grass (East European heirochloe odorata not the American variety used for basketweaving which you may be familiar with). Zubrovka has a sweet perfumey aroma derived from naturally occurring coumarin in the grass, similar to traditional May wine. The East European buffalo love to graze on this grass, too, hence the name of the vodka. The Polish variety is called "Wyborowa" .
  • We hope to import this wonderful item someday soon.
  • 750 ml glass bottle, 40 percent krepost (alcohol strength), i.e. 80 proof.
  • To inquire about availability call +1 (865) 483-7097, or fax: +1 (865) 483-6317

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These pages last updated February 8, 2000